Custom Fraction Arithmetic Worksheets

in Custom Math Worksheets, Premium Worksheets

This generator creates custom fraction arithmetic worksheets

question sample image

Question sample image

answer sample image

Answer sample image

basic sample image - landscape

Sample image - landscape

Operation/Question Type: Select the type of questions to appear on the worksheet.

Operation Options:

  • Single Operation: Only the first operation selected will be used.
  • Random Operations: Will randomly use selected operations
  • Evenly mixed: Will try to ensure an even number of questions per operation(with the exception of perfect division)

First and Second Number: Set the range of the first and second number. First number is the number on the left side of the operation, and second number on the right side.

Increment: This represents the size of the step between questions. For example if your first number has the minimum of 1, and maximum of 6. With an increment of 1, the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 would be used as first numbers; with an increment of 2, the numbers 1, 3, 5 would be used; with an increment of 3, the numbers 1 and 4 would be used.

Question progression:

  • Sequential: will result in the numbers from min to max to be used in ascending order.
  • Random: will randomize the order appearance of the numbers.

Max Questions: will limit the number of questions when used with random operations.